
Programs, conferences, seminars, summer schools, etc., etc.

Acton Institute

The Acton Institute is a think-tank whose mission is to promote a free and virtuous society characterized by individual liberty and sustained by religious principles. Acton University is the an event organized annually by the Acton Institute. Student rates are available for the conference and travel stipends are generously awarded to select students. The Acton Institute also has internships, fellowships, scholarships, co-sponsored Liberty Fund seminars, and more.

Tertio Millennio Seminar on the Free Society

The Tertio Millennio Seminar on the Free Society was founded in 1992 by Michael Novak, Rocco Buttiglione, Father Richard John Neuhaus, Father Maciej Zięba OP and George Weigel to deepen the dialogue on Catholic social doctrine between North American students and students from the new democracies of central and eastern Europe. In addition to more than two weeks of intense intellectual work, the seminar includes visits to sites that highlight Poland’s distinctive history and culture: Częstochowa, Auschwitz, the old Jewish quarter of Cracow, the shrine of St. Faustina, Wawel Castle and cathedral, and a walking tour of “Karol Wojtyła’s Kraków”. The program also offers an opportunity to partake in prayer and daily mass.

Hildebrand Project

The Hildebrand Project is the world’s leading organization dedicated to the presentation and exploration of the thought and witness of Dietrich von Hildebrand. An original philosopher, ardent Christian, fierce foe of Nazism, and fervent champion of beauty, von Hildebrand defends the timeless truths of our Western patrimony while at the same time eagerly receiving and enriching the insights of modernity. The Hildebrand Project offers summer seminars, a graduate residency, online reading groups, scholarships, and more. 

ADF International

ADF International is a faith-based legal advocacy organization that protects fundamental freedoms and promotes the inherent dignity of all people. ADF International is revitalizing the international legal system by building a strong alliance of Christian professionals through several world-class training programmes. For the Blackstone Legal Fellowship, click here. For Areté Academy, click here

Free Society Seminar

Since its establishment in 2001, the Free Society Seminar has been pursuing a mission to create an American-European dialogue on the various political, economic, and moral-cultural elements essential to human flourishing and virtuous liberty. Students from the United States and Europe gather to examine current social questions with prominent American and Slovak professors in some of the most beautiful places in Slovakia. Seminar discussions will take you into explorations of the political, economic, moral, and cultural dimensions of a free society in the thought of Pope Benedict XVI and Pope John Paul II, The Federalist Papers, Alexis de Tocqueville, among others.

March of Remembrance and Hope

The March of Remembrance and Hope (MRH) is a program designed for Canadian university and college students of all religions and backgrounds and post-secondary educational levels and programs. The program takes place in mid-May, and includes a two day orientation in Toronto, a two day visit to Germany, followed by a six day visit to Poland. During the trip students visit locations in Germany and Poland related to the Holocaust and other World War II genocides, including the site of the Wannsee Conference, and the former concentration/death camps of Auschwitz, Treblinka and Majdanek. The purpose of the March of Remembrance and Hope is to teach students of various religious and ethnic backgrounds about the dangers of intolerance through the study of the Holocaust and other World War II genocides, and to promote better relations among people of diverse cultures and faith backgrounds. Students learn about the importance of community and the beauty of learning from and with one another.

The Paideia Institute

The Paideia Institute currently operates six independent programs in Europe. In our Living Latin and Greek programs participants read Greek and Latin texts, visit beautiful historical settings connected to those texts, and practice speaking Greek and Latin as living languages. These programs take place in Italy, France, and Greece.

Polis – The Jerusalem Institute of Languages and Humanities

The goal of Polis is the renewal of Humanities (especially literature, philosophy, history and geography of the Mediterranean basin and the Middle East) through the study of different cultural aspects and in particular the revival of the languages that are at the foundation of Western civilization. The method of teaching ancient languages through full immersion is highly efficient: in the process of learning to speak, the students acquire an intuitive understanding of the language. Courses are offered in Ancient Greek, Biblical Hebrew, Syriac, Coptic, Classical Arabic, etc. 

The Witherspoon Institute

For sixteen years the Witherspoon Institute has offered a wide array of summer seminars for high schoolers, undergraduates, graduate students, law students, professors, and young professionals. Ranging in subject matter from ancient moral philosophy to contemporary bioethics, from metaphysics to marriage, all of Witherspoon’s summer seminars offer a vision of human flourishing at both the individual and the societal level. 

Common Sense Society

Common Sense Society (CSS) was founded as a debating forum in 2009 by a group of American and European university students. The group aimed to explore the ideas, cultures, and geography that have shaped our history in order to best contribute to a future that fosters human flourishing. Common Sense Society fellowships offer recent graduates, graduate students, and young professionals the opportunity to study the principles of liberty, prosperity, and beauty with leading scholars in social, respectful environments.

Tikvah Fund

Tikvah is a non-profit ideas institution committed to supporting the intellectual, religious, and political leaders of the Jewish people and the Jewish State. Tikvah runs and invests in a wide range of initiatives in Israel, the United States, and around the world, including educational programs, publications, and fellowships. We invite you to explore some of these initiatives through the links on this page. There are numerous educational offerings. 

Charles Bronfman IPF Atid Conveners Program

This is an immersive training and cohort experience for North American young professionals to engage with and advocate for Israel Policy Forum’s vision of advancing a viable two-state solution.

Livnot U’Lehibanot

These Israel programs are geared for young English-speaking Jewish adults (21-32) with minimal formal Jewish education. Participants in Livnot programs have the unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the enchanting Old City of Tzfat, the ancient home of Kabbalah. On adventurous hikes throughout the Galilee and Northern Israel, they also learn about Jewish spirituality through the lens of nature.

Greek Studies on Site

Greek Studies on Site is a center for the study of Classical literature, philosophy, and culture. It offers 3-week intensive summer programs, which are open to students of Classics, Philosophy, History, and related disciplines, as well as adult learners with an interest in Ancient Greek culture. Programs meet for 3 hours of instruction, 6 days a week. Courses are taught by Ph.D.s in Classics and Philosophy. Field study includes visits to all the major archaeological sites and museums in Athens, as well as day-trips to Sounion, Mycenae, Delphi, or the island of Aegina. The program also includes optional activities, such as traditional dance classes and local hikes.

Russell Kirk Center for Cultural Renewal

The Russell Kirk Center for Cultural Renewal aims to recover, conserve, and enliven those enduring norms and principles that Russell Kirk (1918–1994) called the Permanent Things. Explore the Center’s programs, publications, and fellowships and join with us to continue Kirk’s work to renew our culture and redeem our time. The Kirk Center’s Residential Fellows Program affords students and scholars the ideal conditions in which they can conduct important research and writing. Fellows write books, essays, reviews, and theses while staying at Piety Hill for periods ranging from a few months to one year. Frequent in-house seminars formalize an already close and stimulating intellectual environment.